Master Brewers Podcast
Guest Proposals
Guest Proposals
Want to be on The Master Brewers Podcast? Here's how to submit a proposal:
- Explain the story you want to tell. Don't just send a list of potential topics.
- Back it up with enough details for us to develop interview questions. This could be some combination of an outline, links to content (see #4 below), a list of any questions that you'd like to be asked, etc. If we can't understand the topic in detail, then we can't develop interview questions.
- An interview is not a platform for a blatant sales pitch/commercial for a business or product. If that's your goal, you want a sponsorship, not an interview.
- Preference is given to topics that originate from existing Master Brewers resources (ie TQ papers, district presentations, Master Brewers conference posters & presentations, Master Brewers webinars, Master Brewers course lectures, publications sold in the Master Brewers bookstore, etc.)
- The topic should be related to technical brewing - that's what listeners come for. This isn't a show about advocacy, independence, sales, marketing, etc. If the content doesn't help brewers make better beer, it's not a good fit.
- Be sure to read the interview instructions & FAQ prior to submitting a proposal.
- Submit your proposal to any member (except the host) of the Master Brewers Podcast Working Group, ideally, someone who knows you or is familiar with your content.